Monday, November 3, 2014

But God....

Yesterday was orphan Sunday in churches across the United States. I almost forgot. It’s easy to forget these days. With the schedule of a ministry, five kids and homeschool, I forget my name sometimes.

It has been almost 7 years since we brought Jett home and almost 4 for Zeke and Elly. I barely catch a glimpse of our lives before them. It was a good life. Two girls who were compliant, obedient, peaceful (most days)….life was just fine.

But God……in all of His wisdom and knowledge, had a different plan for our family that called for great sacrifice and a roller coaster ride of emotions that we were clearly not cut out for.

But God….robed in power and majesty, chose three children from around the globe to weave into our family in such a way that only He could get the glory.

But God….full of grace and mercy, knew that our lives didn’t reflect His enduring love to the extent necessary and changed that.

I look back and see lives full of ourselves. There were six years where the world revolved around JT and me. We ate what we wanted when we wanted. We went to the bathroom by ourselves, and our house was always clean. No chaos. No worries. Serene.

Children change that. God can show you depravity and self-entitlement through a child better than any other avenue!

Marriage showed me the extent of my selfishness. Chlildren showed me how selfless God wanted me to be.

Praise God for the way He has taken us through the journey of adoption to weave our family into His desire. He has taught JT and me more than we ever thought possible about His great love, endurance, patience and joy. It has had moments and years that were dark and hard, but praise His name, there is a Hope that sustains!

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