Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jett Turns Five!

Jett with Jim and Donna Houston.
Jett with Brianna, Brian and Jamie Labello.

Jett and his friend, J.P.

Jett with Uncle David, Uncle Daniel and Uncle Bill!

Jett with Rich, Angelia, Caroline and Savannah Stewart.

Josiah Jett Turner turned five this week....oh, how time flies. We had his celebration at a Jump Zone, a local party place in Pelham, Alabama. It was such a great time for all of the adults and kids.

On the way home from the party, JT and I were talking about how much fun it was. Even as adults, we joined in on all the jumping, sliding and running around. It was a blast. We realized how important it is to us that people invest in the lives of children. Not just play...but really invest. Almost all of the adults were able to just let loose and be kids. They played with my children and invested in their lives. I can recall being a kid and thinking how much fun my uncles (Jerry, Frank and Arthur) were. They played with us and spent quality time with us. They didn't just sit around and talk to the adults. They invested in our lives. Those are memoriest that will stick with me.
In much the same way, we realize that we are passionate about raising our children in such a way that they know they are loved beyond degree, they develop a genuine love for Christ and others, and that they sacrifice themselves to serve others. We are showing them how to do these things. If we are constantly on our computer, talking on the phone or visiting with other adults, we are not showing them how to live. We are showing them how to socialize. We have been deeply convicted of this during this past year. We have fallen in love with people who truly invest in our kids. We are so grateful for the impact they have had on our children.
We pray that we can live our lives in such a way that our kids will see Christ. We want them to know that we chose them....chose them over everyone else except God and Mommy/Daddy. They are third on our list. They are important. They are loved. They are sacrificed for on a daily basis. We pray that they see this daily and know it for the rest of their lives.

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