Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Year Ago Today!

December 2008
Decenber 2007

A year ago today, I was sitting in the Galleria mall with my girls eating lunch. During lunch, I checked my email, and we got our pink slip to Guatemala. Although it was not before made my heart leap to know our son was FINALLY COMING HOME! We had waited almost 2 years to have him here. What an exciting, he is here. He is home. He is safe. He is fed. He is loved. He is cared for. He is forever.


Sara said...

Such peace of mind now, huh?!

Mom&Dad to A & J said...

Yeah, one year sounds so good! A year ago today we got our OUT call. It was a pretty good day I would say.

David and Marianne said...

Wow... how much fun to think back to a year ago and see where the Lord has brought you : ) I am quite sure God is glorified in our reflections and remembering the great things He has done!!!