Monday, April 30, 2012

How far He's taken us...

On November 25th of last year our family made the commitment to begin eating healthy.  Here's a few sentences out of the first email I sent committing to a lifestyle change:

"I have 58 lbs to lose total...uuggh.  I'm not looking forward to any of it, but I want to honor God will ALL areas of my life.  And, this is the area where I have failed miserably.  I cannot do this on my own."

Originally my goal was 58 lbs - to get down to 150. These were the exact goals I sent to my accountability team (which was smaller then) back in December of 2011:

  • Goal 1:  Lose 20 lbs and increase water intake; exercise regularly
  • Goal 2:  Lose 10 more lbs; walk a 5K
  • Goal 3:  Lose 10 more lbs; walk/run a 5K
  • Goal 4:  Lose another 5 lbs; run a 5K entirely
  • Goal 5:  Lose 5 lbs, begin training for a 10K

Today, I looked at the scale above.  Technically it was yesterday and it actually said 157.6 the first time I stepped on it.  I wasn't prepared with the phone to take a picture and the camera apparently affects the weight on the I guess I'll have someone else take the picture so it'll be more accurate!

I've lost 50 lbs so far which means I only have 8 more pounds to hit my original goal.  However, after looking at numerous charts and talking to some experts, my goal is now 145.  So that means I have 13 more lbs to go.  All of the other goals I originally established exercise-wise have been met.  I'm now training for a 10K.

After last week I took a break of 3 days (considering advice from several friends and family).  I ran a 5K entirely this morning and was only 4 seconds off my fastest time (32:16).  So, I'm thrilled with that.  I'll keep pressing on and remembering where I've come from...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to write a book. Thanks for sharing and being real. I need your motivation and dedication.
