It’s a mission trip, so there’s no need to exercise...I mean, you work all day to exhaustion, go to bed late and wake up early. I am tired...really tired. So, there’s just not enough time to get up and work out. A week in Guatemala calls for me to rest more.
Never fear, Wes had a plan for me. He developed a week’s worth of workouts that didn’t require any special equipment. Jump squats, pushups, lunges, runs, Russian twists, box dips, etc. Fun, right?
No, it is NOT fun. Is everything in life fun? Nope. Sometimes, we just need to develop the daily discipline of doing what is needed for our ultimate good and His great glory. Exercise can be one of those tasks. My friend Nellie told her girls, “Even though you don’t want to do it, you need to do it anyway to stay healthy.” She is SO right. Your feelings can NOT determine your actions!
So, every morning I have joined with five other sisters in Christ to work out for our health. Let me say that 5:30 comes very early on a mission trip...VERY early. But, it has been good. The biblical community has blessed my sister pushing us to run up a hill, another cheering us on to finish the situps and yet another pressing us to seek the Lord’s strength. A gift from the Lord indeed.
There is no room for excuses..NONE. Praise God for the way He orchestrated a way for me to continue to stay healthy. He alone is worthy of the adoration! So, press on today for His great glory!!!
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