Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Coming Home.....

Coming home from the mission field is always a bittersweet time...a time of leaving friends and extended family in another country...yet missing my family at home. Another goodbye to the place that steals my heart and a hello to my sweet babies! It is a hard but rewarding time given by God to refresh my soul and remind me that He is in charge.

When I recently came home from Guatemala, God gave me a sweet reunion at the airport. These are a few pictures of the kids welcoming me home. They still seem just as shocked that I (or JT) return from another country. I would like to say that this is unusual, but the fact is that they do this EVERY morning when they see us in the surprise that we are still here. God's grace....


Hannah Bunch said...

So cool! I love the people in the background of the pictures faces!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I finally got to meet your precious little ones! Love to you all!
Elaine Poitevint