Monday, February 17, 2014

Love, True Love

Valentine’s Day is a beautiful holiday to celebrate love. While we were out and about on February 14th, we saw young couples holding hands, the exchange of beautiful gifts, flowers and candy everywhere and people in LOOOOOOVE. It was a sight to see.

Then, there were couples fighting, irritated and disappointed faces, arms crossed in anger, and people who were obviously not feeling the special occasion. The young woman walking by herself arguing with her boyfriend on the phone, a middle aged woman shouting at the cashier because her husband bought the wrong size and the man picking up a last minute gift like a whipped puppy. It was a sight to see.

And then there was the Turner tribe. All of us. Five in one van. Two in another. Five were at home and two were 20 miles away. We make a last minute decision to meet for dinner. You know, on the BUSIEST night of the year, when everyone has a reservation. Except us.

We find a place where the wait wasn’t too long and squeezed into a booth meant for five, maybe. The kids were thoughtful enough to let JT and I sit next to each other. That’s as romantic as it got. Cause we have five kids who all wanted to tell us something. At the same time. And we listened. It was a sight to see.

Then, we ventured into the mall and bought some overpriced ice cream. Cause it was Valentine’s Day. We didn’t get to sit next to each other again but at least made eye contact with the three littles between us.

As we walked everyone to the exit, we saw the ultimate cap on the night. It was raining, and we had no umbrellas. So, the two of us trekked out to two different cars and picked up the kids at the door. It was a sight to see.

After driving home we barked out the nightly orders - brush your teeth, change your clothes, put on headgear, brush your teeth again (for real this time), go to the bathroom, wash your hands, now dry your hands, hugs and kisses. Good night.

And so romantic, don’t you think. The day when everyone on the planet declares LOVE for something or someone. We eat with all our kids and do the mundane. AND THAT’S WHAT TRUE LOVE LOOKS LIKE. Not a gift or a special dinner. Just two people who have loved each other and been committed to one another for almost 24 years. No candy has helped us solve an argument. No gift has erased our regrets. No card has wiped away the tears of sadness or joy. Only the source of love, God Himself, has allowed us to get to this point. He has sustained us and shown us what true love is. He has taught, guided, corrected and loved us so that we can love one another.

Praise God for every day. An opportunity to live the mundane in such a way that only He gets all the glory.

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